Please Read: Churchpreneurship and Our Society

Adoration recharge card for special prayers 

There is an important issue I would love to discuss with you all. This issue affects the very existence of our living and the core of what we believe in. The issue is Churchpreneurship!. Churchpreneurship is a term made out from two terms "church" and "preneurship". Simply put, Church is a place people gather for the purpose of worship, praising, prayer, religious inspiration, and fellowship. Preneurship stands for entrepreneurship which means founding and organizing a business venture for financial and material gains. My good friend, VCA Nweke summarizes Churchpreneurship as the act of setting up a place of worship in order to make financial gains.

In today's world we have and is seeing the upshot of many Churchpreneurship and even some churches we see and regard  as real church are now metamorphosizing into Churchpreneurship. This practice is speedily becoming the new normal. Churchpreneurship is not and should not only be related to pastors whom could be referred to as "pastorpreneurs" but also to Christian individuals that patronize their trade who may be referred to as "Christprenuers". Pastorpreneurs refers to a pastor who sees pastoral services as primarily a means to his/her material advancement, whose ultimate gain is not to preach the gospel, win souls and transform lives for God but to acquire material wealth,...propagate "religion without sacrifice", emphasize on the necessity of wealth without mentoring the indispensability of hard work....( VCA Nweke, 2015). Christprenuers are individuals, people like you reading this post whose major interest is belonging to or visiting any church, priest. Pastor, prophet, or prayer house for material advancement and success regardless of their  moral or spiritual lives.

Churchpreneurship nowadays abound in the world especially in Nigeria. Pastors (Pastorpreneurs) now charge fees for prayers in the name of "seed faith". Christians (Christprenuers) now offer money and material things to the priests and pastors for prayers in the name of "blessing the life of the man of God". The message on prosperity , seed faiths, tithes and offerings take 90% of their sermons than the message of salvation and soul transformation/renewal. Christians "Christprenuers" do not hesitate to abandon any church that do not preach much on prosperity and success for one that does. Pastors now hold specially day services for politicians and and wealthy individuals while no revival meeting or evangelism is being organized year in year out.  Churches now establish schools and universities which do not benefit the poor and the less privileged in their society contrary to the life of the early church and missionary churches. Churches and pastors now sale their own customized water, anointing oils and handkerchiefs as point of contact for miracles. Pastors/prophets now demand for consultation fees before one could see them for prayers and counseling. The core purpose of Christianity and church is being eroded away by Churchpreneurship, in the beginning it was not so.

Freely you have received
Freely shall you give
Thus saith the lord


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