And it continues. After denying that his taunts on lnstagram were not directed at the mother of his son; Fashion designer Toyin Lawani, Lord Trigg has gone on another rant, claiming he's done covering up for a villain and the 'truth' will be revealed soon. Refresh yourselves with previous posts here ...and read what he wrote this time after the cut..
Nollywood actor, Junior Pope Odunwodo and his wife Jennifer are celebrating their second wedding anniversary. The couple got married in 2014 and have since welcomed a son. The actor shared these new photos of his family on his IG page. He wrote;
If you're having a long day, or you just need a funny story to laugh wherever you are, then we have you covered today. After the jump is a really funny and interesting true life story that a blog reader sent to us about "A True Life Story of A Unilag Undergraduate". It's really really funny actually and we expect it to make you really happy wherever you are. See the story after the jump:
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